MATTER : How salt(matter) dissolve in water(matter) ?

Before we understand how it is work we need to know about the matter.


In short everything present in the universe is Matter. The matter has some mass & volume so it occupies space.

Example of matter


( All solid, liquid & gas ) Smartphone, Gas cylinder, Water bottle etc. All matter is made up of particles.


How salt (matter) dissolve in water (matter)?

This phenomenon we can generally observe when we prepare lemonade, coffee & any other. For this, we are doing an activity. 

Here we take a 100 ml beaker & fill it half with water & put one teaspoon salt in it.


Now stirrer the solution & what we get? We get salt is completely dissolved in water. How it is possible? Let's discuss.

NOTE:- It totally depends on the type of matter that we are using.

MATTER : How salt(matter) dissolve in water(matter) ?
Beaker filled with water & voids is present between particles of water because here form of water is liquid.

MATTER : How salt(matter) dissolve in water(matter) ?
Now salt particles placed into the voids between particles of water. 

As we discuss all matters are made up of particles. 

In the above figure particles of water is showing in a beaker. Water is in liquid form & we know some space is available between particles of water (liquid).

When salt particles enter in a beaker then they place itself between the particles of water. 

According to this, all particles of salt fill the voids (gaps) present between the particles of water & dissolve itself.

MATTER : How salt(matter) dissolve in water(matter) ?

Here the initial & final stage of activity is shown, how one matter dissolves in other matter.

Finally, we got the result & we may look at how salt dissolves itself into water.